With the evolving role of pharmacy services, Mahintana HEALTH Plus Project conducted 1st Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting at SOCCSKSARGEN General Hospital (SGH) on March 3, 2020. Three representatives from Mahintana PPF headed by Ms. Jea A. Roque, Supervising Pharmacist and six participants from SGH headed by Dr. Ana Marie Tuburan, Chief of Hospital who also facilitated the meeting, a total of nine participated. The discussion focused on the presentation of accomplishments of SGH-HPSiS for the year 2019 and future directions of HEALTH Plus project at SGH as change of management. The group also discussed on the possible strategies on how to increase and promote better pharmacy services of the HPSiS; as a result, the group agreed that the Mahintana PPF will provide admission kits and maternal kits for SGH patients. Lastly, the meeting included a discussion on the monitoring of inventory level of Emergency Bulk Purchases of hospital to other suppliers and there was an agreement to have a weekly Hospital emergency request to Mahintana PPF to maintain complete and available medicines and supplies needed by the patient at the right time.