On May 4, 2017, Mahintana Foundation conducted another Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) Triggering at Purok Cawayan, Brgy. Cebuano, Tupi, S.C. in close coordination with the local officials of Purok Cawayan and the municipality of Tupi, S.C. This is in response to the health and safety issue caused by open defecation particularly to the rural or highly marginalized communities.
Around 25 households went through the triggering process which encouraged and motivated them to analyze the impact of open defecation in their communities and to change their unhygienic practices. The facilitator, Ms. Teresita Molinos, Brgy. Nutrition Scholar member, provided the scope and the context of the CLTS training. She led the analysis of the sanitation situation in the community and their defecation practices and presented the consequences and illnesses associated with faecal oral contamination. This initiative increased the awareness of the community on the importance of having a sanitary lifestyle.
Towards the end of the training, the participants drafted an action plan and indicated their commitment and plans to apply what they have learned and install toilets in their respective households.
The CLTS is one of the major components of Dolefil’s Health Initiatives, Mitigation Services and Opportunities for Growth (HIMSOG) project implemented by Mahintana Foundation, Inc. It is a hygiene promotion approach that triggers the members of the community to experience disgust and shame particularly to those who practice open defecation. Its major goal is to achieve total sanitation and zero open defecation.