Fourteen (14) Health Education Promotion Officers (HEPOs) from partner cooperatives namely CAMPCO, FARB, PMSC, TSKMPC and UEWMPC underwent Financial Management and Literacy Training-workshop on April 28, 2017. The activity included a lecture and workshops aimed in capacitating the participants in money management and household budgeting for them to establish good spending habits and reach their financial goals. During the workshop, the participants were divided into three groups and each group were tasked to design and construct houses out of the available materials they received equivalent to the valuables they had and budget the total amount of P8,000 for their monthly expenses. Despite the challenges and difficulties they encountered during the process, the participants appreciated the different Structured Learning Exercises (SLEs) as it provided them a practical scenario to brainstorm together, determine and improve their individual behavioral budgeting and spending.
This activity was initiated by Mahintana Foundation through the Polomolok Task Force Kalusugan (PTFK) project which continues to provide support and technical assistance to partner cooperatives/organizations.