To assess the awareness, availment and satisfaction of the citizens of a certain local government unit, the DILG designed the Citizen Satisfaction Index System (CSIS) survey that requires a random 150 respondents to be interviewed regarding the services of the LGU. The RESOURCEGov Project made the CSIS survey one step higher by facilitating it using the ODK system instead of the traditional pen and paper.

RESOURCEGov 2 Project Team headed by the Project Manager Mr. Roel Ian P. Blanker conducted a CSIS orientation to the Mun. Mayor Hon. Floro Gandam and the enumerators from the Santa Cruz Mission School Inc. (SMSCI) on February 17, 2020. Project Officer Mr. Jan Solomon Edrozo attended an ABC (Association of Barangay Captains) meeting at ABC building, Lake Sebu on February 19th to inform and update all the barangay captains about the on-going CSIS survey in their respective barangays. In the following days, the project officer closely monitored the actual CSIS survey conducted by 13 enumerators until February 27, 2020 as far as Brgy. Ned. The data will be consolidated on March 5, 2020.

The first round of ODK-based CSIS survey for the eight focal LGUs was conducted by the RESOURCEGov 1 Project in 2016. The results of 2016 and 2020 will be compared after the consolidation of the latter survey.

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