Health is one of the major concerns in the Philippine society as well as to the other nations. With the growing needs for the improvements and the increasing number of newly found diseases, Filipinos, especially the indigents, marginalized and oppressed, are now suffering as to how they will afford their medications. To address this concern, Mahintana Foundation has developed their HEALTH Plus Project, specifically the Health Plus Shop-in- a-Shop (HPSIS) which is one of the four business models.
The event provided the participants with information on the vision, mission, functions, objectives, operations management, fund source, 3-year comparative financial statements and best practices, awards and recognitions of HEALTH Plus project in the province of South Cotabato.
The event provided the participants with information on the vision, mission, functions, objectives, operations management, fund source, 3-year comparative financial statements and best practices, awards and recognitions of HEALTH Plus project in the province of South Cotabato. They were also informed about the contributions of the project to the overall goal of the province of improving delivery of health services to its constituents: reduction of out-of-pocket expenses of households, compliance to NBB policy of PHIC, increasing PHIC reimbursements of the hospital through the increased hospital due to its improved health services and facilities.
At the end of the activity, the participants commended the political leadership of PLGU of South Cotabato, the active support of Mahintana Foundation, Inc. and the commitment and partnership of both sectors which contributed to the successful implementation of the project.