In accordance with the amended STI/HIV/AIDS Ordinance No. 20, s-2014, four (4) entertainment establishments (e.g. karaoke lounges, bars and night clubs) in the Municipality of Polomolok, S.C. were monitored by night surveillance enforcers headed by Dr. Edwin D. Dipus, MD, together with representatives from MENRO, Licensing Office and the MHO on February 29, 2016. Also present were P/Supt. Joedy Lito Guisinga from Polomolok PNP, Brgy. Captain Antonio Octavio of Brgy. Cannery and Mr. Laurence Griño, the Municipal Administrator. This action was taken to intensify the compliance of the existing establishments to sanitary permits and business licenses and to ensure that their entertainment workers have health certificates (health cards/pink cards) to minimize prevalent cases of STI/HIV/AIDS.

The activity was facilitated by Mahintana Foundation through its  Polomolok Task Force Kalusugan (PTFK) project.

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