September 16, 2015 proved to be a remarkable day for Teacher Felma and the Day Care children in the quaint upland community of Barangay Acmonan, Tupi, South Cotabato, who, despite the rain which poured since the previous day until the early hours that day; came in trickles together with their parents and shyly greeted guests who arrived to grace the Turn-over of the newly-renovated Acmonan Day Care Center. Mahintana Foundation, Inc., with funding support from Dolefil, has caused the improvement of the facility to contribute in ensuring that pre-school aged children in the community have a conducive avenue for learning, playing and social interaction, which are the basic foundation they need before they advance towards formal primary education. Despite the setback of having the Tree Planting activity cancelled due to the incessant rain, representatives from Dolefil and Mahintana came and assisted the barangay officials and Day Care Parents committee prepare the venue for the turn-over ceremony and program. Present during the Turn-over were Ms. Jenny Wiegleb- Senior Vice President of Dole Asia Holdings , Atty. Melquiades L. Hernandez,III- Director for Corporate Affairs of Dole Philippines, MFI Executive Director Martiniano L. Magdolot and LEAD.PH BOD member Joseph Batersal together with some union officers and members.