After its well-received Stakeholders’ Forum on October 28, 2014 , where initially , 40 pledges from 25 stakeholders were manifested in support to the program, the Silway-Klinan River Watershed – Sarangani Bay Protected Seascape (SKRW-SBPS) Ridge to Reef Program finally had its anticipated official launch on November 18, 2014 at the Greenleaf Hotel in Gen. Santos City with 148 guests coming from government line agencies, Local Government Units , development organizations , business partners , employees unions and management staff of Dole Philippines, Inc. The R2R launch was part of the official launch of the umbrella program Dolefil Cares under which falls the company’s interventions and initiatives of caring for the environment and the community , for the well-being of its customers , employees and the community, for the safety of its people and quality of its products, for innovation and bringing premium products to the market.

MOA SIGNING FOR RIDGE TO REEF PROGRAM. In photo l-r (seated) Dr. Edgardo Sandig representing GenSan Mayor Ronnel Rivera, Dolefil VP and Managing Director Randolph Fleming, Pomolok Mayor Honey Lumayag- Matti, MFI Exec. Director Martiniano Magdolot; (standing l-r) DENR Regl. Exec. Director Datu Tungko Saikol and Dolefil Corporate Affairs Director Atty. Melquiades Hernandez
During the program launch , two MOA signing events also took place. One was for the Memorandum of Agreement between Dolefil, Labor Employees Association of Dolefil- Calumpang, City Government of Gen. Santos and the BLGU of Calumpang and Tambler for the Establishment of a Mangrove Nursery and engagement in Mangrove reforestation as part of the Green Clause in the CBA with LEAD-Calumpang, another was for the Memorandum of Agreement between Dolefil, Mahintana Foundation, Inc. , CLGU Gen. Santos, MLGU Polomolok, MLGU-Tupi for the implementation of the Ridge to Reef Program.
The SKRW-SBPS Ridge to Reef Program recognizes the interconnectedness of the watersheds, the river system and its tributaries, waterways and gullies, and the basin to which the rivers empty out- the Sarangani Bay. The components of the R2R program include 1. Riverbank and mangrove vegetation enhancement and stabilization, 2. Agro-biodiversity development and monitoring , 3. Livelihood assistance, 4. Settlements Management and Disaster risk reduction, 5. Sanitation, Nutrition and Health Services.