The Barangay Bantay Gully Task Force (BBTGF) underwent BBGTF Orientation, MOA Paralegal and FrontlineSMS System Training was held on March 26, 2019 at Esma Restaurant, Brgy. Cannery Site, Polomolok. A total of 81 participants, coming from the LGU Polomolok, MENRO-Polomolok, CENRO-Buayan, furniture shop owners, and partner BLGUs (Landan, Cannery Site, Kinilis, Maligo, Lamcaliaf, Polo, Upper Klinan, and Pobalcion) attended the training.
The activity aims to help capacitate the BBGTF members and Furniture Shop Owners about forestry/environment and natural resources laws and its enforcement and equip BBGTF enforcers on FrontlineSMS System & other monitoring methods for effective implementation of the laws and ordinances and protection of the natural resources. Hon. Mayor Honey Lumayag-Matti led the oath taking of responsibility by the BBGTF Enforcers and MENRO Enforcers. DENR XII Chief Enforcement DivisionForester Dirie P. Macabaning and Forester Efren P. Hibaler presented the laws pertaining to Environment and Natural Resources. LGU Polomolok Project and Evaluation Officer Engr. Danny Pelias trained the BBGTF on how to collect information via text messaging. The system is a free open source software that works without an internet connection which is more applicable for the BBGTF who works on field.