The RESOURCEGov 2 Project thru its Project Manager Mr. Roel Ian P. Blanker and MINCODE Project Officer Ms. Myra Gazo, met with KAPWA Foundation on February 9, 2019 in their office at Davao City to share about the ODK initiatives of the project, collaborate in popularizing ODK in the region, and assist the latter with ODK problems they have encountered. Represented by Ms. Alma de La Paz, KAPWA Foundation Executive Director, the KAPWA officers shared their utilization of ODK in profiling their farmer beneficiaries. However, KAPWA uses the first and original version of ODK wherein they ran into problems in uploading the gathered data. Worried about losing around 500 survey profiles, and with the hope of resolving their ODK uploading issues, KAPWA then coordinated with MINCODE and Mahintana upon knowing that the said CSOs were rolling-out ODK in Regions 11, 12 and 13. The RESOURCEGov Team conducted the troubleshooting and found out that the uploading issue is an internal server problem which cannot be resolved given the server’s storage limit and lack of server-side technical support. The issue was addressed by allowing KAPWA to create an account with, the ODK version which Mahintana uses. The RESOURCEGov team also helped them how to technically format their collected ODK data to make it Kobotoolbox-compatible, and migrate the data to their Kobotoolbox account. KAPWA successfully migrated all their collected farmers profile and was able to generate the summary report of their profiling activities. Their profiling team appreciated the user-friendliness of Kobotoolbox over the original ODK version which compelled them to use Kobotoolbox version in the continuation of their profiling activities. The KAPWA foundation has expressed their gratitude to the RESOURCEGov 2 Project and is looking forward for more collaboration with the project group in advocating the use of ODK for transparent, accountable, and participative local governance.