RESOURCEGov 2 Team conducts Planning-Workshop to LGUs Libungan and Aleosan

PostHeaderIcon RESOURCEGov 2 Team conducts Planning-Workshop to LGUs Libungan and Aleosan

Meetings_Aleosan and Libungan

RESOURCEGov Phase 2 team conducted Planning/Workshop with MLGU Department Heads for the next steps/plans and follow-through monitoring on the other productive use of ODK/Qlik system in LGU Libungan at Ka Kubo Garden Resort and Restaurant, Midsayap, North Cotabato and in LGU Aleosan at Hill Park Inn, Midsayap, North Cotabato on June 14, 2018. The meetings were attended by 27 participants (Male 16, Female 11) for LGU Libungan and 31 participants (Male 11, Female 20) for LGU Aleosan.

The meeting for the LGU Libungan was participated by the Municipal Vice Mayor/Acting Mayor, Hon. Rolando B. Pader, M.D., Municipal Administrator Ruben A. Espabo, MLGOO Ms. Emilia S. Dandoy, and other department heads and representative CSOs. The mayor gave a message saying that he is so thankful that the partnership with Mahintana helped them grow their LGU through providing useful software programs to cater some of their needs. He added that everyone should be involved and that he will support activities that will enhance the skills and knowledge of the staff. Project Officer Mr. Kurt Jurgen Von Lumbao presented the the project overview and the rationale of the activity and Project Bookkeeper Mr. Jason Inot presented the financial updates. Also, as part of the meeting’s agenda, MPDO Mr. Renante L. Ponce, EnP presided the election of new sets of CSO officers. After which, the each officer gave a short message. The LGU committed their support to the project.

In the afternoon, the team met with the department heads of LGU Aleosan headed by Municipal Administrator Mr. Miguel Estrobillo in behalf of the Municipal Mayor Hon. Vicente C. Sorupia, Jr. Municipal Assessor Mr. Jerome Orillosa and Municipal Treasurer Mr. Jaime J. Alemania gave welcome messages. Mr. Orillosa said that throughout the years the partnership with Mahintana, the projects had been very helpful and they are still looking forward for the other uses of the ODK and Qlik. Mr. Estrobillo thanked Mahintana for a very productive partnership. Project Officer Mr. Byron E. Delandrino presented the overview of the project and Project Bookkeeper Jason Inot discussed the budget for the LGU. After presenting their activities and tentative schedules, the LGU heads thanked the project team and committed their support to the project.

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