As a commitment of Mahintana Foundation, Inc. (MFI) to actively provide technical assistance to Provincial Government of South Cotabato (PGSC) in improving delivery of health services by public hospitals to indigent communities, specifically on increasing access to quality but affordable drugs, medicines and supplies, the foundation, through its HEALTH Plus Project, facilitates the conduct of Training-Workshop on Budget and Inventory Management at Mt. Sabrina, Tambler, General Santos City on February 01-02, 2018. The training-workshop was participated by Integrated Provincial Health of South Cotabato, headed by Dr. Rogelio Aturdido, Jr., who gave the Welcome Remarks during the Opening Preliminaries and the Chief of Hospitals, Admin Officers, Pharmacists, Supply Officers, Bookkeepers and Billing-in-Charges of 4 public hospitals in the province: South Cotabato Provincial Hospital (SCPH), Norala District Hospital (NDH), Polomolok Municipal Hospital (PMH) and Upper Valley Community Hospital (UVCH).
At the end of the two-day session, the participants’ knowledge on Budget Process presented by Budget & Management Specialist from Department of Budget and Management (DBM) Region 12 and Inventory Management presented by Ms. Lelia Carbon, CPA, Financial Consultant of Howard Hubbard Memorial Hospital (HHMH). They were also able to develop draft template on procurement schedule and identified gaps and challenges related to budget, procurement and inventory management.
The participants were also able to agree on the following follow-through activities and timelines: February 5 – actual inventory count and finalization of procurement schedule per hospital; February 5-12 – Mr. John Salcedo, IPHO Admin Officer to visit the 4 hospitals and provide TA to staff assigned in developing and maintaining inventory database, February 12 – PMC meeting to present the procurement schedule and finalize the data for presentation to the PHB. MFI’s President and CEO Martiniano L. Magdolot rendered the Closing Remarks and expressed his gratitude to PGSC, IPHO and 4 public hospitals for the active partnership in Essential Drug Distribution in the province and his appreciation for the initiative of the partners in improving its inventory management leading to a better financial performance, enhanced procurement system and improved regulatory compliance.