As part of the celebration of the Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH) Day, Mahintana Foundation, Inc. through its ARH Program, organized a Poster-making, Team Quiz Bee, Tagalog Spoken Poetry & Song-writing/Battle of the Bands Contests with the theme “Sining at Musika Para sa Kabataan: Rated PG #PagibigGoals” held on August 25, 2017 at the Municipal Gymnasium of Polomolok, South Cotabato. This event was successfully conducted with support from Dole Philippines, Inc., Provincial Government of South Cotabato, Local Government of Polomolok, Department of Health, Department of Education, RHU Polomolok, and other development actors and stakeholders including the volunteer efforts of the Health Education Promotion Officers (HEPOs), PNP-Polomolok, Mun. Health Office and the Civil Security Unit.
The main goal of this occasion is to raise the level of awareness of teenage groups regarding adolescent sexuality, adolescent reproductive health and sexual health issues including teenage pregnancies and the prevention of STI/HIV/AIDS. Intended as an event for-a-cause, all the proceeds that will be collected will be used to support the projects related to the ARH program