Subsequent to Bloodletting 2011, Mahintana conducted a Tree Planting activity and Symposium on Climate Change and Disaster Risks last August 10, 2011, in collaboration with Dole Philippines, Inc., Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Ateneo de Davao University (AdDU) through Tropical Institute for Climate Studies (TropICS), Environmental Management Bureau-Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), and LGU Polomolok, supported by Sarangani Resources Corporation and Kasilak Development Foundation, Inc.

High school students of Polomolok carry Afus bamboo and assorted fruit tree seedlings towards the designated planting areas along Maria Rosa Creek

The endeavor aims to complement and intensify the environmental programs implemented by the government and other development actors, increase the communities’ awareness on the aggravating effects brought about by the erratic climate pattern and escalating climate change, and urge participants to take proactive roles towards sustaining said initiated interventions.

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