Hon. Antonio Octavio delivering his opening message (upper left) and Engr. Danny Pelias of OMPDC giving the overview of the planning/workshop and the BDP’s impact to the recipient barangay (lower left); during the presentation of Mr. Gonzalo Palma III, DARBC representative, on the plans of the cooperative (upper right); group workshop sessions (lower right)

Mahintana Foundation, Inc., through Ridge-to-Reef Program, participated in the 5-Year Barangay Development Planning/Workshop of barangay local government unit Cannery Site facilitated by the Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator on March 16, 2021 at the Barangay Social Hall, Brgy. Cannery Site, Polomolok, South Cotabato. Participants were grouped by sector: environmental, agricultural, economic, social, and infrastructure in identifying respective goals.

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