Project Officers of Mahintana Foundation, Inc. attended the training on Geographic Information System (GIS) on March 1, 2017 held at SRC Conference Room, Polomolok, S.C. The training is geared to enhance the knowledge and capacitate the skills of the staff on GIS mapping and operation of GIS application. GIS is one of the computer-based tools used in most of the industries as a mapping system for collecting, managing and analyzing data.

Mr. Roel Ian Blanker, Project Coordinator of the Ridge-to-Reef Program, conducted the training and shared the fundamental concepts of the system including the basics of Quantum GIS. Aside from the general knowledge on GIS imparted during the training, participants were also taught on the basic technical skills in order to create a map which covers 1) Recording of GPS Data, 2) Transferring GPS Data from GPS Device to the computer, 3) Adjusting/Refining locations using Google Earth, and 4) Adding details and generating map using Google Earth.

The participants were able to successfully use the GIS software and generated sample maps using both Google Earth and Quantum GIS at the end of the training.

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