Reflecting on the passage from the Book of Prophet Ezekiel shared by Rev. Fr. Francisco S. Bajos during the mass in celebration of Mahintana anniversary, we are reminded of the divine vision and guidance that enabled Ezekiel to see beyond the present challenges. Today, as we celebrate our 47th Anniversary, we thank the Almighty for showering us with blessings through the talents of our staff, communities, and partners in community development.

Just as Ezekiel was empowered by his vision to bring hope to his people, we are more grateful than ever for the opportunity to serve others through our programs and services, and for the communities that have always expressed their gratitude for our interventions.

May we continue to be guided, strengthened in our mission, and inspired to bring light and hope to the lives we touch. As we move forward together, may we remain dynamic, continuing to love, care, and share through service. We will stay steadfast in our commitment by building resiliency and sustaining development.