To equip the project team and partner electric coops with knowledge on proper installation of PV systems, SOLARES project organized the Basic Electronics and Solar PV Installation Training on October 29-30, 2020 at The Farm, Carpenter Hill, Koronadal City with resource speaker Engr. Oliver Tolentino, Technical and Operations Manager of Solarhub Photovoltaic Systems.
SOCOTECO II and SUKELCO along with the project team participated in the training. Engr. Tolentino facilitated the training with both lecture and hands-on sessions. He also recommended specialized tools for assembly and installation to ensure the quality of each process (from connector, cables, cords, to panels).
Day 2 of the training included a visit to Solarhub Photovoltaic Systems office. Four REC 270W-panels powered a 1hp solar-powered submersible pump. Engr. Tolentino shared what factors to consider when installing panels and the impact of shading on the overall energy generated from the panel. He demonstrated by letting the participants adjust a fifth panel and observe changes through the inverter.
SOLARES Project made sure to observe safety protocols to properly minimize contact among participants such as wearing of mask and social distancing during the entire event.