Mahintana Pres. & CEO Mr. Martiniano L. Magdolot was invited by the DILG Central Office to attend the Round Table Discussion: Pushing the Envelope from Nominal to Transformative Citizen Participation on March 12, 2019 at the Luxent Hotel, Timog, Quezon City. The roundtable discussion aims to look into local and global experiences through a peer learning exchange of views in the area of promoting participatory governance. DILG invited 18 resource persons from the different sectors – national government, business, academe, international and national donors and NGOs. Mahintana was the only identified local NGO from Mindanao.

DILG was tasked to absorb the functions of the Office of Participatory Governance (OPG), that is, “to promote and ensure the direct participation of various stakeholders in the crafting and formulation of policies and programs to address concerns at the grassroots level and to initiate programs and projects that will facilitate citizen empowerment and participation in governance at the national, regional, and local levels.”