“I LOVE MY HEALTH!? Supporters of the Health, Wellness and Safety Initiatives in the Workplace Project embraced and conveyed this message during the program launch last February 22, 2014 at the Dolefil Gym, as part of the local celebration of Healthy Heart Month. The program aims to address emerging health issues and concerns promote health wellness and safety among the employees of Dolefil and job contracting cooperatives. About 500 participants coming from the job contracting and partner cooperatives (AMCOOP, CAMPCO, FARB MPC, PMSC, TSKMPC, UEWMPC and DECCO) , the barangay local government of Cannery Site , Dole Kaugnay, Labor Employees Association of Dole (LEAD) , PNP Polomolok, Mahintana Foundation and Dolefil management came to join the 30-minutes (approximately 2 kilometers) Heartwalk and motorcade , followed by the program launch, zumba fitness session and brief lecture on Healthy Lifestyle presented by Howard Hubbard Memorial Hospital.